8 Side Effects Of Air Conditioning You are Not Aware Of


You might already be feeling dizzy due to dehydration, and when dehydration is combined with the noise produced by air-conditioners, it could lead to severe headaches.

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Allergies and Asthma

If people inside an enclosed air- conditioned space already suffer from allergies and asthma, air conditioning could make things worse for them.

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Respiratory Issues

Due to the circulation of state air inside an air-conditioned space, people inside that enclosed space could suffer from a variety of respiratory issues.

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Noise Pollution

Technological advances have made modern air-conditioners extremely quiet, but there are many people who still use old window air conditioners that produced a lot of noise.

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Indoor Pollutants

Your air conditioner works hard to keep the heat out, but it won't keep pollutants and debris out of the air—at least, not without the help of a filter.

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Infectious Diseases

There have been many such cases where people have been infected by viruses and harmful bacteria spread in building through the air conditioning system.

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Dry or Itchy Skin

If you remain in an air-conditioned space for long hours and follow it up by remaining outside in the sun, you could quickly develop dry and itchy skin.

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Air Conditioning removes too much moisture from the air, it could cause the air to become extremely dry, and that could lead to dehydration.

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