No motivation for gym?103-year-old Teresa Moore is here to give you plenty of it

जिम के लिए कोई प्रेरणा नहीं है?103 वर्षीय टेरेसा मूर यहाँ आपको बहुत कुछ देने के लिए हैं

Teresa Moore

A resident of California, Teresa visits her local fitness centre at least three to four times a week

Happy place

Her daughter Sheila Moore, calls the gym her mom’s ‘happy place’


When she left Italy, she lived a vagabond life and curiosity was a big motivating factor

Her advice

On how to live a long and happy life, Teresa advises, “Try to be happy. Try to think of good things – to think everything is beautiful, to think beautiful things.”


It is never too late to start exercise and become physically active

Her daughter

Talking about her mother’s love for the gym, Sheila shares, “That’s where she meets her friends. I think [my] mother is a curious person.”

Stay active

Individuals who have been sedentary but start exercising in their 80s may have a survival benefit compared with individuals who remain sedentary