Drinking Water keeps your body Healthy

Water is very beneficial for health. Drinking enough water prevents many diseases and keeps the body healthy. Although it is said that instead of drinking cold water, hot water is more healthy. For this reason people often drink hot water.

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Hot water is effective for digesting food

Light lukewarm water should be drunk after eating in the morning and evening, it can reduce weight. Along with health benefits, the mind remains calm and does not feel much hungry.

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You can take hot water to increase digestion power.

Lukewarm water helps hydrate the stomach and intestines. In such a situation, you can consume hot water in the right quantity.

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Constipation Relief

Consuming light warm water cleanses the stomach and there is no problem in bowel movements. If there is a complaint of indigestion and acidity, you can consume lukewarm water.

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Can reduce weight

Drinking Luke Warm water regularly also helps you to reduce weight.

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No problem with bowel movements

Drinking Luke warm water helps you to easily release waste from your body.

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Keep a normal temperature.

Water helps your body keep a normal temperature.

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Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.

Water helps your body protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.

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More physically active

Your body needs more water when you are more physically active

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Everyone should consume water from foods and beverages every day.

Daily total water intake (fluid) is defined as the amount of water consumed from foods, plain drinking water, and other beverages.

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Tip to Drink More Water

Carry a water bottle with you and refill it throughout the day.

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