9 Exotic Fruits You Have No Idea Existed

Bushukan (Buddha’s Hand)

Bushukan is a citrus fruit with long extensions that resemble fingers and yellow skin that mimics lemons. In the Western Hemisphere, it is also known as Buddha's Hand.

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The fruit has a thick outer layer but once you get through it, you’ll discover big and juicy citrus flesh that tastes like grapefruit. The Pomelo fruit originates from Southeast Asia.

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Lulo (Solanum quitoense)

It looks a lot like tomato, especially after you cut it in half but it tastes like a mix of a pineapple and a lemon.Mainly found in Ecuador and Colombia.

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This Alien-like fruit has a sour-sweet taste that resembles grapes and it’s often consumed in salads. In Southeast Asia, you’ll even find canned products based on rambutan.

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Jackfruit has a subtly sweet flavor, often described as a combination of banana, apple, and mango.

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Carambola (Star Fruit)

If you cut the fruit in cross-section, you would get star-shaped pieces that are the reason for the fruit’s name (star fruit).

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This fruit from the tropics is also called dragon eye fruit. Its flavour is similar to that of rambutan, with the key distinction being that longans are tarter.

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The fruit looks like a garlic clove when you peel it off, but don't be fooled—it actually has a wonderfull sweet and creamy flavour.

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