10 Health Benefits Of Peanuts

10 Health Benefits Of Peanuts


Peanuts are rich in multiple macro and micronutrients making them a healthy food option.

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Sharper Brain

Providing nutrients like niacin, vitamin B1, and folate, peanuts help in making your brain sharper.

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Peanuts are known to have 22-30 percent protein of their total calories.

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Weight Loss

If used in a moderate amount, peanuts can lead to significant weight loss.

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Healthy Heart

Many researchers claim that the nut reduces the chance of heart disease.

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Healthy Skin

The nuts can delay aging effects on the skin along with providing protection against diseases.

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Better Vision

Zinc in the peanuts helps synthesize Vitamin A, needed for ocular health.

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Diabetic Friendly

Because of zero sugar content peanuts are good snacks for diabetic patients.

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